Opportunity: A Tribute
By E. M. Areson
In honor of Spirit and Opportunity, who turned 90 days into a lifetime. Thank you to all those who sent them were no human had gone before… well at least not yet. We may morn them but your work will live on every time their names are spoken.
When Opportunity’s systems had rebooted it was not where it had been. It was in a sterile environment of engineering equipment. Opportunity’s last outgoing signal was reloaded into its memory.
‘My battery is low, and it's getting dark.’
“Finally awake I see.” The human walked into the room. Opportunity had not seen a human in a very long time. “We were hoping to get you back. You saw so much back in the old days. When we still were stuck on Earth. You know what this place was once like don’t you Oppy? And I’m going to find out with your help.”
The human smiled and put a hand on Opportunity's wheel. “Your going to teach us so much. Aren’t you? And when we’re all done with that, it seems only fair you see the world you first mapped. It’s been a long road getting here. And we’re not leaving you behind now.”
Opportunity did a basic systems check fully rebooting. Everything was repaired. Systems were as pristine as they had been so long ago when Opportunity had first left Earth. With one exception, Opportunity had its memories.
The young human smiled. “This isn’t the end Oppy. Not by a long shot.”
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