Dance of the Trees
Dance of the Trees By E. M. Areson The trees crowded around weighting for the storm. They could feel it coming. Birds nestled in their branches huddled together. They could feel it too. The rabbits, gophers, foxes, and mice hid in their holes. They could feel it almost at hand. Every insect, every rodent, every lizard, and frog were safely tucked away. No living thing in that belonged in the Wild was about. They knew better. They knew what was coming. The old tree near the center of the forest had a good view of anything going on. Not that the tree had eyes, mind you, but a small sparrow lived in its branches near the heart of the tree. Not an actual heart, of course, but the place where the sleeping dryad lay unwilling to be moved. The sparrow would whisper, in its native voice, humans call its song, to the sleeping dryad the things of the forest. So when the sparrow saw the human girl wandering in the Wild when any creature with sense would be hidden he whispered of i...