
Jaso E. M. Areson Jaso looked down at the small carving in his hands then up at the face of his brother, “Why? Couldn’t it weight a year so I’d be able to go to the Academy?” “No, you idiot. I need the money now and you’re never going to that stupid Academy. It’s a waste of time. You're a farmer, not a bard,” He tried to take the carving from Jaso’s hands. “No.” Jaso pulled away. “You may have sold my way of getting to the Academy but you won’t get rid of my carving. Penser gave it to me.” “That old fool who filled your head with silly old stories and delusions of grandeur? He’s been dead for almost two months, it’s time to move on,” Ymer gave up trying to get the carving and continued. “You’re all I have, Jaso. We have to stick together.” “You may be content to be a farmer and stay working the same ground your whole life then die and be buried in that dirt, but I’m not. I want to tell stories, inspire people. I’ll get to the Academy if I have to swim all the way...