
Tender E. M. Areson The girl coughed terribly, and her couching put out the match. She shivered as she tried to light another. That time she had saw a choir and wanted to sing with them; the only thing she managed to do was cough. The time before then she had seen a feast, but the match had gone out before she could eat any of the wonderful food. The ally was cold, but home was colder, and here she wouldn’t be punished for not selling any matches. The match finally lit, and she held it close. She closed her eyes for a second. Death appeared in the second her eyes closed. It turned down the ally and quietly approached the girl huddled in rags. Her life had been harder then most. She hadn’t given up on her dreams yet, a sure sign she didn’t want to die. Death stood over her; it could feel she was ready, but still unwilling. Death didn’t want to take a girl so vibrant, mainly since she would try and fight. Death hated when ...