Already Dead

Already Dead E. M. Areson Standing outside the theater looking at the posters made Adrienne want to be sick. Superhero movies were popular this year, they had been popular for the past twenty years, but now she knew. Hundreds of thousands would flood theaters just like this all over the world. Yet, in many ways, they were liars, unknowing hypocrites. They idolized their heroes; aliens, accidents, dark souls, saviors, the flawed, the near perfect, all accepted. “Shame they don’t treat us like that.” She looked down as a little tear leaked out. Nard took her hand in his, under the fake skin she could feel his cybernetic hand. He looked so normal with his charming green eyes and black hair. Not like she did, under the hoodie she was unnatural. Unlike Nard, she had been normal once. She had gone to the movies with friends, attended school, and had a family. Now, all that was gone. Nothing was left but to hide from the Agency for Protecting Personal Security or A.P.P.S. ...